Bonus BP9: How to Keep Going When All You See Are the Problems

Bonus BP9: How to Keep Going When All You See Are the Problems

You’re rolling into the final week of the challenge my friend! And yes, this episode is late. We’re rolling into the final moments before school starts in my house, and things are rough.

But not in our Blueprints! Those are perfect… hahahahahaha.

Listen. Your Blueprint isn’t perfect. This Inside/Outline or Outcome Outline sitting there, so shiny and new? It has flaws, my friend, flaws that will seem glaring to you in about a month or six months or a year or all three.

Last week you went through a checklist to try to test that puppy out, and it helped. But as you head forward—as you start writing, keep writing, draft the beginning six times (don’t do that) and face the muddly middle (go back to that outline) and drag your way to the end (and then rewrite it)—there will be times when you doubt.

When everything in the whole world you ever imagined will seem like it would make a better book than this sad, sorry pile of words. Words? Ha! They’re barely letters.

So this little bonus is me at just such a moment, telling you what I’m doing to drag my sorry butt back to the chair and get my head back in the game.

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Entertaining, actionable advice on craft, productivity and creativity for writers and journalists in all genres, with hosts Jessica Lahey, KJ Dell'Antonia and Sarina Bowen.